Sunday, October 3, 2010

Here I go Again

Well here I go again. Made yet another blog. Only because I have forgotten my login info for my other accounts lol. I swear if my head wasn't attached I would forget that too.

So this is where I hope I will be able to post my ups and downs. The things in life that make me happy (ie my kids and my boyfriend). The trials and tribulations that I am going through. My successes and things I have learned not to do again (yet I always manage to do again).

Now if this is a day to day blog why did I name it Autistic Inspirationz? Well my oldest son Tyler-Dean (7 years old) was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder / Not Otherwise Specified (PDD/NOS) which is an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He has been my inspiration in many things such as trying to be a better mom, always testing my patience, pushing my boundaries, and also giving me much strength to do things I never thought I could do.

Now this won't be mostly about Tyler-Dean. I also have another son who I couldn't leave out. His name is Damien-Cael. He is a pure joy. Smart, funny, cheeky, energetic and his brother's protector. He is constantly coming up with the wittiest comments and saying the most hilarious things. He is going to be my ladies man. He is going to be 5 next week and he already has swarms of girls of all ages for all reasons. But for someone who is only 5 years old he has managed to step into the shoes of being his brother's friend, protector, and advocate. When Tyler-Dean is sad, Damien-Cael rushes to his side to find out whats wrong. When someone gets in Tyler-Dean's bad books, that person is in Damien-Cael's bad books too. Don't get me wrong though, the little darling also doesn't pass up a chance to boss his big brother around lol.

I would like to thank my friend Lauren who has given me the inspiration to do this again. I got the inspiration after reading her blog that made me laugh and relate. She is a great person who has a great blog. You should check it out here.

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